

How to recognize a high-quality educational institution?

During the search for a new educational institiution You should focus on following fields and make Your decision according to them. The important features are the customer-oriented approach, the quality of tutors, the certificate of quality, the membership in professional associations, the development of its own products, the methods of education, ethics and references. The other important thing is Your personal experience with the given institution.


Within the customer-oriented approach, the main points are willingness, comprehensibility, helpfulness and flexibility. You should be also interested in commercial and warranty conditions (Are they published somewhere? Is the institution willing to send them to you? Are they clear?), in the offer of services on the website (Is the offer list published on web complete? Is it suitable for You?), in the location of classrooms (Is it easily accessible? Is there a possibility of the education in your work place?), in the contact or advisory person (Is he/she helpful? Is he/she available? Do You always receive the coherent information? Does he/she react immediately?) and in the sample materials or sample courses.


A high-quality tutor should be expert in the given field and he should be able to teach in accessible and understandable form. The tutors should keep studying and enlarging their knowledge – the technical and the didacal ones. It is important that the institution has a system of supervision.


In order to receive any certificate of quality, the company has to fulfill and adhere to relatively strict rules. These certificates are usually the guarantee of quality. Some certificates don´t show the quality of the education, but the quality of the management of the educational institution.


The educational institution that cares about its development is a member of a professional association. After finding out that the institution is a member of some association, it is important to find out it the associtation participates actively on its events and management or not.


In the field of education, the development of company products includes the educational programs that are on high technical level, focused on one concrete problem or the „educational programs on key“. The institution may also organise many additional courses and seminars that helps the attendants to enlarge their knowledge in the given field. It is also important to know is the institution uses its own materials and if it offers other educational materials and tools.


The methods of education are analyzed according to the following steps: the complex documentation of the educational event, the analysis of the educational needs, the evaluation of the educational event (the evaluation of the progress of the participants) and individual study plans.


Does the institution have an Ethics Codex? Is this document accessible to public – for example on the web pages? Does the institution adhere to that Codex?


Could the institution provide the references? Are these references freely accessible? Do they respond to your expectations?

Source: The Association of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic

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  • We guarantee an individual approach to clients and the maximum possible flexibility of your education.
  • We are a team of experienced lecturers - university teachers operating in travel and tourism.
  • We will transfer our personal experiences and practical skills from our work in the field of travel and tourism.
  • Excellent location in the centre of Prague at a tram and metro crossing, enabling easy and fast access from all parts of Prague (Karlovo náměstí metro station, Palackého náměstí exit, trams nos.: 3, 4, 7, 10,   14, 16, 17, 21)
  • We co-operate with the College of Business in Prague, the Association of Czech Travel Agents, CR Guides Association, CzechTourism and other prestigious organisations.

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