

The attendance of the touristic information centers in April 2013

According to the new published data of the Agency CzechTourism, the number of the tourists visiting TICs (touristic information center) increases in the begining of the new touristic season. In April 2013, there were 235 373 people visiting them.

The way of contacting the TIC doesn´t change during the year. In April 2013, the majority of the contacts was made personally (82%). Lower numbers were marqued at the other ways: at the phone questions (13%) and at asking via e-mail (5%).

The home customers are still the biggest part of the visitors of the TIC – 84%. The biggest number of foreign tourists visiting the TICs were from Germany (32%), Russia (14%), the Great Britain (11%) and Poland (6%).

The reasons of visiting the TICs are divers. In the mentioned month, the biggest number of visitors was looking for services such as internet connection, fax and copying (29%). The most frequent questions concerned culture (20%), tourism (14%) and transport (9%). 13% of the visitors came to the TICs in order to buy a map.

The company dataPartner performs the monitoring of sevices and of the attendance of TICs within the project for the support of the domestic tourism. The project is co-financed by the funds of the European Union. Nowadays, there are 280 TICs that joined the project and the monitoring. In the Czech Republic, there is a total numer of 600 TICs and all of them are holders of the Certificate of the CzechTourism.


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