

Restoration of the Ucenec v pracovne (Scholar in the Study) by Rembrandt

The very famous painting by Rembrandt the Scholar in the Study left its usual location in the Sternberg Palace at Hradcany in Prague. The only painting by this very famous author in the Czech Republic will attend one year restoration and the exploration in the workshops of the National Gallery in Prague.

During the restoration, the technological exploration will take its place. The restorers and the authors of the project, Anja K. Sevcik and Adam Pokorny, hope that this exploration will bring many new and interesting findings about the Rembrandt´s technologies. These findings will join the newly founded international database called the Rembrandt Database – there the findings will be presented to the vast public. The art-lovers will have the possiblitity to follow all the restoration on the special web page of the National Gallery in Prague. There, the new findings and information about the restoration will be listed as well as the accompanying program.

The patron of the project is the Bank of America Merrill Lynch, that put the National Gallery in Prague between 24 projects from 16 countries all around the world. In those countries, the Bank of America Merrill Lanch will realise its global project: The Project for Saving the Art. The project so far subsidized the saving of 57 very valuable paintings in 25 countries.

The National Gallery in Prague will stabilize the current state of the painting and that will protect it against loosing the other colour layers. It is possible to declare that thanks to that dotation, the future generation will may enjoy the view on that famous Rembrandt masterpiece.

According to the representatives of the Bank of America Merrill Lynch, the art has the very unique power to connect people and communities and to help in the economic development. The saved masterpieces will provide to the future generations the picture of the history.


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