

The new exposition in the Stone House of the Czech Museum of Silver

In the Czech Museum of Silver – in the Stone house – the new permanent exhibition was ceremonially opened on 15th May 2013. It is called the Society Life and Personalities of 19th Century in Kutna Hora. The exposition contains the selection of the most important and the most interesting societies and personalities connected to these societies.

The Sovereign Society of City Marksmen that was founded in 1770 is the oldest Society presented at the exhibition. The society continued in the medieval tradition of shooting. The activity of this society was remarkable, because the society made built the shooting gallery, restaurant and dancing hall. The Sovereign Society of City Marksmen also had its own music group.

The Sokol of Kutna Hora was founded about one hundred years later, in 1862. In its beginnings, the Sokol was connected with the Fire brigade, but later these two groups got separated. The other interesting societies are for example The Archeological Society Vocel, that founded a museum in Kutna Hora, that later changed to the current Czech Museum of Silver. This society also contributed to the rescue of cathedral of st. Barbora.

One of the most important personalities of Kutna Hora is Jan Erazim Wocel, who was one of the most important scientists of his era. In the beginning of his career, he focused mostly on painting and literature, he switched to archeology and to history of art in 40s of 19th century. The emperor nominated him the professon of history of arts, of Czech literature at the Charles University.

Worth mentioning is also JUDr. Bedrich Pacak, who enforced the dotations needed to the rescue of cathedral in the Council of the empire. Later, Pacak became the Minister for Czech issues and he organized the visit of the emperor and king Franz Joseph Ist in Kutna Hora.

The author and guarantor of the exposition is the historian of the Czech Museum of Silver, Bc. Josef Kremla. The exhibits come from the internal collection of the Museum but also from the other divers subjects and collectors.

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