
Paramedic of the Recovering Events

The paramedic of recovering events – the retraining course

During the year we organise few cycles of popular and needed course The Paramedic of recovering events, that is lead by experienced instructor of rescue squad. The course takes place in TYRKYS, Na Moráni 5, Prague 2 and is accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Czech republic.

During the year we organise few cycles of popular and needed course The Paramedic of recovering events, that is lead by experienced instructor of rescue squad. The course takes place in TYRKYS, Na Moráni 5, Prague 2 and is accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Czech republic. The course could be payed by the Employment Office.

The Paramedic of recovering actions can be a person over 18 years after passing the required preparation and after passing the final exam. They can work on :
a) Recovening events organised by State, non-state and private subjects
b) Schools in nature, organised by the Ministry of Education
c) on mass social and sports events

The summary of course:

  • Provising of the First Aid in use, according to internationals standards
  • how to take care about sick people on recovering events
  • managing the medical documentation
  • rights and duties of the Paramedisc of recovering events
  • principles of observance of hygiene
  • how to apply anti-epidemic mesures
  • How to save a drowning person and provide the first aid

The course happens in small study groups and the individual approach is accented. During the course, the students will practice all the situations. They will aslo receive CD with the study materials and the brochure The Paramedic of recovering events.

Actual courses are listed on our web in section KURZY – Zdravotník zotavovacích akcí.


Staňte se průvodcem nebo delegátem ! Nabízíme kurzy a zkoušky pro

Tyrkys, škola cestovního ruchu, kurzy průvodců Průvodce cestovního ruchu nebo Průvodce pro region Praha

Spojený kurz Průvodce cestovního ruchu a region Praha

Semináře první pomoci a semináře první pomoci zaměřené na děti

Pracovník cestovní kanceláře nebo Delegát pro cestovní kancelář

Doškolovací a zájmové semináře pro nejširší veřejnost

Why choose TYRKYS?

  • We guarantee an individual approach to clients and the maximum possible flexibility of your education.
  • We are a team of experienced lecturers - university teachers operating in travel and tourism.
  • We will transfer our personal experiences and practical skills from our work in the field of travel and tourism.
  • Excellent location in the centre of Prague at a tram and metro crossing, enabling easy and fast access from all parts of Prague (Karlovo náměstí metro station, Palackého náměstí exit, trams nos.: 3, 4, 7, 10,   14, 16, 17, 21)
  • We co-operate with the College of Business in Prague, the Association of Czech Travel Agents, CR Guides Association, CzechTourism and other prestigious organisations.

Visit us in person at: Na Moráni 5, 120 00 Praha 2
Contact us by telephone on: +420 224 917 908
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