

Visit the museum that are opened for free all year long

Use the opportunity to visit a museum for free. In Prague, You may go for free to the following museums: The Museum of Infant Jesus of Prague, The Army Museum Žižkov, Aerial museum Kbely, the Valdstejn Palace – The Senate, The Gallery Lapidarium, The Czech National Bank, The Petschek Palace and the Permanent exhibition of precious stones and rare minerals.

The Museum of Infant Jesus of Prague
opened all year long for free
Opening hours: Monday – Saturday: 9:30 – 17:30, Sunday: 13:00 – 18:00
Karmelitska 9, Prague 1

The Museum of Infant Jesus is situated in the Church of Our Lady Victorious - the entry is on the right side of the main altar. Before entering the museum, you may examine the photos of the statue, that is dressed in robes in different liturgical colours.

In the Museum, you will see a vast collection of textiles, that are used as robes of Infant Jesus. There is also one of his crowns and a short movie showing the process of dressing up of the statue is presented. You may also see some accompanying objects, such as crosses, paintings, chalices or other statues.

It is very well known, that the robes of Infant Jesus are being changed regularly. The main reason for that is the wish to show to all the believers Jesus as a real person.

The Army museum Žižkov
opened all year long for free
Openin hours: Tuesday – Sunday: 10:00 – 18:00
U Památníků 2, Prague 3 – Žižkov

The Army museum is situated in the historical building of the Memorial of Liberation at Zizkov. The museum is divided into five parts, four of them focus on specific period of time and in the fifth part, there are exhibitions and celebrations being organized.

The parts of the museum:

  • The First World War (1914 - 1918) - the political and military actions, that led to a declaration of the independent Czechoslovak State.
  • The inter-war period of the Czechoslovakia and its military forces
  • The Second World War - the participation of Czech and Slovak people in the resistance movement or the military action and the reconstruction of the independence of Czechoslovakia.
  • Persecution of the members of the Czechoslovakian army after the changement of regime in 1948 and the third anti-communist resistance

The Aerial museum Kbely
May – October for free
Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday: 10:00 – 18:00
Mladoboleslavská, Prague 9 - Kbely 

The Museum which was founded in 1968 is situated in the area of the first aerial base in Czechoslovakia. There are 275 planes, that are situated in halls or in open spaces and depositories. 10 planes are still able to fly and they are being regularly used. Many of those exhibits are world‘ s unique specimens.

The exhibitions focuses on Czech military aviation, but you will also discover many interesting facts about the civil aviation. The exhibition is arranged in chronological and thematic order.


Gallery Lapidarium
all year long for free
In the Gallery, You may admire the originals and the copies of Baroque statues.
Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday: 11:00 – 18:00, Thursday: 12:30 – 19:30
Rámová 6, Prague 1 

The foundation the Bohemian Barok (Cesky Barok) was founded with one main goal - to protect valuable statues in Prague as well as in the whole Czech Republic. There are many very valuable statues in the Czech Republic, but they are susceptibles to weather changes, so nowadays, many of them are seriously damaged.
The foundation focuses on saving baroque memorials, on their restauration and on their presentation to public.
Valuable statues are being moved to lapidaria (for exampe the Lapidarium in Ramova street), where they can be protected against infavorable influences of the weather. On the original sites, there are now only copies.

In the Gallery, there are two permanent exhibitions, that show the works of famous artists: Ottavio Most and Mathias Braun. In the Gallery Lapidarium you may also see the original statues from Kuks. 
The Czech National Bank – exhibition People and Money
all year long for free, the reservation is necessary
Opening hours: Monday – Friday, the tours start at 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 and 14:00.
Na Příkopě 28, Prague 1

The whole exhibition „People and Money“ is situated in the former vault in the building of the Czech National Bank. During the exhibition, you will discover the historical development of money from the oldest forms to the newest ones.

The presentation of the development of the Czech currency and of the Czech National Bank is prepared as well. There are 65 display cases as well as few audio-visual programmes. Very interesting exhibit is also one tonne of pure gold.

The Czech National Bank is ready to provide digital guides in English or German.

The Petschek Palace – the former torture chamber of gestapo
all year long for free, the reservation is necessary
Politických věžňů 20, Prague 1

This palace used to be a settlement of the bank owned by dr. Julius Petschek. Its construction took its place between the years 1923 and 1929 according to desingn of architect Max Spielmann. The palace used to be equipped by very luxurious furniture and facilities, but unfortunately, none of that preserved until these days. In the basement, there used to be very safe vaults.

The family of Petschek sold the palace to the State before the WWII and then emigrated. For six years, starting in 1939, the gestapo had its headquarters in there. Except from controlling secret operation, the cruel torture of Czech patriots took place there as well. Nowadays, in the former torture chamber, there is a memorial of anti-fascist resistance.

In these days, one part of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the Czech Republic is situated in the palace. It was declared the National cultural memorial in 1989. 

Source: web pages and official websites of the listed museums.  
The last update: 16.4.2014 

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