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Prague Towers

The Museum of the Capital City Prague invites the visitors to the Prague Towers – the Petřín Lookout Tower, the Powder tower, the Old Town Bridge Tower, the Bridge Tower of Mala Strana, the Bell Tower of st. Nicolas and the House of Mirrors at Petrin.

The Petrin Lookout Tower

The inspiration for construction of this Lookout Tower comes from the Club of the Czech tourists (or from its founders Dr. Vilem Kurz and architect Vratislav Pasovský) after returning from the visit of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The construction took only 4 months and the grand opening was on 20th August 1891. If you decide to go up to the Look Tower, you will have to pass 299 steps. From 1953 to 1992, the tower served as transmission tower.

The House of Mirrors at Petrin

The building, where the Labyrinth is situated, served at first as a pavilion for the Club of the Czech tourists. It was built at the same time as the Lookout Tower, in 1891. The inspiration for the Labyrinth comes probably from the Labyrinth situated in Prater, Vienna. There are 50 mirrors and the diorama representing the fight of Prague citizens against the Swedes at the Charles´s bridge in 1648.

The entrance fees: adult person 75CZK, children and students 55CZK, children under 6 years and invalid people 25CZK, family entrance fee 210CZK.

Stoned Towers

The Powder Tower

The Powder Tower was the beginning of the Royal Road to the Prague Castle. There also finished the main road from the Kutna Hora, where the silver was extracted and than delivered to the royal safe. Its name comes from the fact, that at the beginning of the 18th century, the Tower served as a storehouse of powder. The Powder Tower is 65 metres high. Its creators are master Vaclav and Matyas Rejsek from Prostejov. The author of its current appearance is Josef Mocker. 

The Bridge Tower of Mala Strana

It is composed of two towers. The smaller one comes from the 1st half of 12th century and was a part of the former Judith´s bridge. It served as a prison. The second tower, the higher one, was built with the Charles´s bridge and its main purpose was to be a store house. These two towers are connected by a battlement from 15th century. Their current appearance comes from the period 1879 -  83, when it was renowed by an architect J. Mocker.

The Old Town Bridge Tower

This gothic building comes from the very significant architect of his era, from the builder Petr Parler. It was built at the decision of Charles IV. The tower was constructed as a defensive building but also as an esteticaly pleasing monument. During the Thirty Years War it was considerably damaged and all the statues decorating the tower were destructed. During the revolution in 1848, the damaged were even greater. But after another 30 years, the reconstruction of the tower took its place. 

 The Bell Tower of St. Nicolas

One of the decorations of the Mala Strana is a baroque Church of st. Nicolas, that is one of the very significant czech historical monuments. It was built in the period from 1703 to 1735 by an architect K. Dienzehofer and K. Ignac. The tower was finished in 1752. The baroque Bell Tower served as a house of the night watcher.

The entrance fees: adult person 75CZK, children and students 55CZK, children under 6 years and invalide people 25CZK, family entrance fee is 210CZK. 
Opening hours:

  • November – February: 10am – 6pm
  • March: 10am – 8pm
  • April – September: 10am – 10pm
  • October: 10am – 8pm


Tefonujte  na 224 916 485, pište na kurzy@tyrkys.cznavštivte nás osobně Na Moráni 5, Praha 2

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